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More About Exclusive Chains

Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptians started adorning their necks with links of gold and silver known as chains, and men and women across the world have carried forward the tradition ever since. For modern women, they have evolved to be an essential element of their jewellery collections and to ensure you do not fall short ever, TJC has put on display an impressive assortment of chains, on both TV and online. But for the women in UK who love to indulge in online shopping every now and then, we have exclusive chains only for the website customers at incredible prices.

Chain subtly accentuates the beauty of a woman’s sensuous neck and compliments all kinds of attires without influencing them. It is an understated and versatile accessory; wear it solo for a minimalistic yet finished look or slide in a pendant to add instant glamour to your overall look. Wear it as your heart desires, add a few of these with a pearl necklace to create a chic layered look, or wrap one around the wrist multiple times for a distinct look. TJC’s exclusive web collection is an array of 9K and 22K Gold chains in a variety of settings including Rope, Curb, Spiga, Prince of Wales and Herringbone to cater to individual style and budgets.

22K Gold Chains are timeless pieces and can be passed down to the generations without losing the sheen or the appeal. Every piece in this exclusive collection has been selected keeping in mind the latest fashion trends. While the thick and stylish ones can be donned solos as a classy piece of jewellery every day, the long ones can either be layered or paired with a pendant for special occasions. It also makes a perfect gift for a loved one and has a great significance in matrimonial ceremonies in various cultures world over. Delight a heart today, be it yours or be it someone’s close.

Let a designer Gold chain from TJC’s web exclusive collection shine on your collarbones every day.

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